

Axles are made of hardened tool steel 60HRC.  Axles have the deflection to the limit of 0.01 mm and the tolerance of the diameter 0.002 mm.
Product No Diameter Length Price €
#A1000 3/32"  58 mm 4.00 each
 #A1002 2 mm 55 mm 4.00 each


The bushings are made from special bronze alloy.  They have the outer radial groove for adjusting the axle position.  The bushings are not self-lubricating, they must be regularly lubricated with oil.
Product number Outer Diameter Inner Diameter Length Price €
#B1300 4.75 (3/16") 3/32" 2.4 mm 5.00/1 pair


Gears are moulded of premium reinforced polymer. Spur gears are offered in two versions of aluminium hubs. Either 4-40 set screw hubs or ready to glueing hubs. The overall length of spurs is 6.5 mm, the length of crown gears are 7.5 mm. The shapes of the tooth were computer designed for the lowest possible friction and the best run. Each gear is being tested on special gauges.

Polymer spur gears 80 pitch

Part No Teeth Diameter Colour Bore Fixings Price €
#SG830 43T 14.5 mm red 3/32" screw 4.50 each
#SG832 43T 14.5 mm red 2 mm screw 4.50 each
#SG830g 43T 14.5 mm red 3/32" glue 4.50 each
#SG832g 43T 14.5 mm red 2 mm glue 4.50 each
#SG850 45T 15 mm yellow 3/32" screw 4.50 each
#SG850g 45T 15 mm yellow 3/32" glue 4.50 each
#SG870 47T 16 mm teal 3/32" screw 4.50 each
#SG880 48T 16 mm black 3/32" screw 4.50 each

 Polymer spur gears 72 pitch

Part No Teeth Diameter Colour Bore Joint Price €
#SG792g 39T 14.6 mm red 2 mm glue 4.50 each
#SG770 37T 14.8 mm teal 3/32" screw 4.50 each
#SG770g 37T 14.8 mm teal 3/32" glue 4.50 each
#SG780 38T 14.8 mm black 3/32" screw 4.50 each
#SG780g 38T 14.8 mm black 3/32" glue 4.50 each
#SG790 39T 14.8 mm red 3/32" screw 4.50 each
#SG790g 39T 14.8 mm red 3/32" glue 4.50 each
#SG700 40T 14.8 mm violet 3/32" screw 4.50 each
#SG700g 40T 14.8 mm violet 3/32" glue 4.50 each
#SG710 41T 14.8 mm yellow 3/32" screw 4.50 each
#SG710g 41T 14.8 mm yellow 3/32" glue 4.50 each
#SG720  42T 14.8 mm orange 3/32" screw 4.50 each
 #SG710g  42T  14.8 mm orange 3/32" glue 4.50 each

Polymer spur gears 64 pitch

Part No Teeth Diameter Colour Bore Joint Price €
#SG650 35T 15 mm yellow 3/32" screw 4.00 each
#SG650g 35T 15 mm yellow 3/32" glue 4.00 each
#SG660 36T 15 mm violet 3/32" screw 4.00 each
#SG660g 36T 15 mm violet 3/32" glue 4.00 each
#SG670 37T 16 mm teal 3/32" screw 4.00 each
#SG680 38T 16 mm black 3/32" screw 4.00 each
#SG690 39T 16 mm red 3/32" screw 4.00 each

Polymer crown gears

Part No Teeth Diameter Colour Bore Joint Price €
#CG733 33T72P 13.2 mm red 2 mm screw 8.00 each
#CG941 41T90P 13.2 mm yellow 2 mm screw 8.00 each
#CG427 27T48P 17.7 mm teal 3/32" screw 6.00 each


Pinions are EDM made from hardened tool steel.  The shapes of the tooth were computer designed for low friction and the best run.  Round running of the pinions is to the limit of 0.005 mm.
Product No Pitch Teeth Bore diameter Price €
#P6620 64 pitch 6T 2 mm 18.00 each
#P6720 64 pitch 7T 2 mm 18.00 each
#P8720  80 pitch 7T 2 mm 18.00 each
#P8820 80 pitch 8T 2 mm  18.00 each
#P8615 80 pitch 6T 1.5 mm 18.00 each
#P8715 80 pitch 7T 1.5 mm  18.00 each
#P7515  72 pitch 5T 1.5 mm  24.00 each
#P9715 88 pitch 7T 1.5 mm 18.00 each


End mills are made from special high-speed steel and they are sharpened of CNC grinder machine.  End mills are mounted in duralumin grip.  These tools are intended only for manual machining of soft material components, not for steel.
Product No Name Axle Diameter Price €
#T1250 End mill 3/32" 3/32" 53.00 each
#T1252 End mill 2 mm 2 mm 53.00 each


Spacers are precisely CNC turned from brass.

Product No Diameter Length Price €
#S0100 3/32" 1 mm 6.00/pack 20 pcs
#S0102 2 mm 1 mm  6.00/pack 20 pcs